Sanghyuk Moon (문상혁)


I am currently a postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University. I use theory and numerical simulations to gain understanding of astronomical processes. My main research interests are 1) formation and evolution of prestellar cores and 2) star formation and gas dynamics in barred galaxies. I am also interested in dynamo processes producing large-scale galactic magnetic fields. I completed my Ph.D. at Seoul National University in 2022.

Contact: sanghyuk.moon at


(ADS query)

Athena++ with self-gravity in 3D cylindrical grid

A version of the Athena++ code with an open-BC Poisson solvers in 3D Cartesian and cylindrical grids can be found in It implements a generalized James algorithm described in our method paper Moon, Kim, & Ostriker (2019).


Curriculum Vitae

Link to my CV
Last update : 12 Jul 2023